Eleven Years!

Well, this is embarrassing. Only two weeks after celebrating one big milestone (my 4000th) here I am with another. Feels like I’m being greedy. Still eleven years it is, with no gaps since I started. Hard to believe I’ve been doing it so long. When I began blipping I was in my sixties and now I’m in my eighties.

I’ve learned a lot in that time, about photography, about the geography of my home district, about the wildlife in my garden, and thanks to other blippers, about the world. Now, when millions of us are isolated in our homes it’s great to have this wonderful community to reach out to, to stay in contact with. Thank you everyone!

Here are a few of my favourite blips over the years-

Storm in the mountains
Daisy drops
Praying mantis
Robber fly
Grasshopper portrait
Waxeye couple (including extra shots)

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