
By Veronica

Just a trim

Bravely, S volunteered to cut the shaggy mess of my hair yesterday evening. I reckoned it couldn't look much worse. He did spend a fair bit of time carefully studying videos on Youtube first, and I think the result isn't half bad for someone who's never done it before. At any rate, I've had haircuts from professionals that were no better. We highly recommend Raul Roa's YouTube channel. As for S's hair, it's not a problem. I've been cutting it for years, but I wasn't prepared to accept a buzzcut, which is what I do for him. Luckily his hair clipper set includes some proper hairdressing scissors.

Spanish lesson today, vocabulary exercises and some struggles with indirect speech and subjunctives. It really is hard work when there are only two of you. Exhausted afterwards, so lunch was just yesterday's leftovers. Afterwards, reading on the terrace. I've finished the Bernardine Evaristo; it wasn't bad, but I was a bit ambivalent about it. So I decided it was time for Hilary Mantel. I couldn't bear to order it from Amazon though, and I really want a physical copy, so I've ordered it from Fnac.es instead. Meanwhile I'm plodding through a novel in Spanish.

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