That Way Madness Lies

It’s testament to my isolated incarceration that when I looked at these emerging ferns I saw a ferny family of six in lockdown in the garden- father, mother and 4 strapping children. No drink had been imbibed, I swear.

However that will not be the case later this evening when the Edinburgh Gin bottle comes out of the cupboard. I’m enjoying my evenings with a large slurp of the pretty pink Rhubarb and Ginger variety in my Tonic water diluted Ribena.

And so another weekend approaches with no neighbourly meet up today to give it a fanfare. One can become a bit to used to one’s own company which may make it difficult to adjust eventually to meeting people again and having to speak.
It’s becoming a nightly challenge to organise the activities for the next day to save just doing nothing of any consequence, but so far I’m still thinking about tomorrow, but there is a sock on the needles at least......

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