Knitty Nelly

If this selection of knitted goods looks like the remnants of a sale of work, blame blipper Poppy in Orkney who is the instigator of this knitty nelly ouput.
From long legged dolls through mice and bears to socks and beanie hats, I have followed in her wake.
It is not only me who has been influenced by craft trending Poppy. There are other followers amongst the blippers, you know who you are! And so today,on her Birthday, I pay homage to her crafty example.

I was up until Midnight last night finishing a Fairisle beanie for daughter#1 at her request. I’m getting a bit quicker with 2 strands of wool, one in each hand, but it demands absolute concentration and long hours.
The question is- what will she prompt us to do next?

Happy Birthday, Poppy!

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