Chapel Beck

I'm missing my Friday morning swim. Checked the depth of the stream at the bottom of the field and reckon its waist deep - if I sit down. It will be useful if it gets really hot. 
We won the Zoom family quiz. Drat  -that means we have to host next week's

Day 30 
8467 hospital deaths today up to 14,576. It will not be safe to go out and lead a normal life until we've either had the virus or been vaccinated., The Government announced and pledged money for a Vaccines Task Force. Typically it takes years to develop a new vaccine. Lets hope this one is a but quicker than that
A local knitwear company Oubas, based in Ulverston is making washable scrubs for local healthcare workers. We heard about Burberry on the national news but it's good to hear that there are local efforts going on that do not hit the news. 
The Great North Swim has been cancelled . Not sure I was going to enter but it would have been difficult to practice in Chapel Beck

Capt Tom Moore has raised £20, 016,367 as I write this post. 

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