Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Self Portrait.....

.....with my eyes shut..... long enough to forget what I really look like!

Our Zoom meeting with the family today began with a challenge. Each of us was to get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. We were then asked to do a drawing of ourselves - with our eyes shut!

We then had to take a photo of it and send it into a WhatsApp group we share so we could see each others drawing clearly. For those who may wonder what I really look like, see Extra.

All this was a bit of light relief from the seriousness of the early afternoon when I joined other villages (at a very safe distance) to line the route to the church for a funeral. So sad when you normally hug someone every time you see them, to have to let the widow walk past with just a smile. She already had her own health problems to deal with before their fateful trip abroad. Wishing strength for S and all others suffering losses during this pandemic.

Lockdown Day 25  Good thing today: One of my  applications to the council was successful

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