Flower Friday

The botanical gardens seemed like a logical location to visit as the weather was nice and it is Flower Friday.   This is just a lucky shot.  I was trying to get the yellow flower and this bee very obligingly flew into my field of focus.  

I finished watching the first season of "The World on Fire," which is very good, and certainly reminds me that there have been far worse times. If we just have to stay in the comfort of our homes to remain safe, that is hardly a sacrifice.  

I have been posting these stats every other day.  We are given so many numbers that it is hard to evaluate them.  I copy and paste the last posting so I can easily compare as I update them, otherwise, I have no context. 

Covid 19 as of 4/17/2020 - 
Montgomery County  2280 confirmed cases, 63 deaths 
Maryland  11572 confirmed cases, 425deaths
U.S.   699706 cases,  36,773 deaths 

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