Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Robin posing

We bought this glass panel at Blickling Hall, at a sculpture exhibition, almost 3 years ago.  I've often seen a robin perched on it, but never when I've been in a position to take a photo.  Today the robin obliged briefly - the next photo after this was of the empty glass panel, the robin having flown away!

It has rained - not heavily, but persistently, all day.  The advantage of this is that I don't feel guilty about not working in the garden.  The disadvantage is that there is work to do.  As you can see in the background of the extra, the hostas in pots are sprouting, and need weeding, and feeding.  And we are going to try broken egg shells as a slug deterrent this year.

I admit the extra was taken yesterday evening, through our bedroom window.  Mr Pheasant, seen in the extra has been visiting regularly now for a couple of months.  He often calls by twice a day.  And over the last couple of weeks he's been bringing the harem - last night only one, but often 2.  Perhaps second wife has been left sitting on the eggs/looking after the babies?

After taking this photo, I resolved that I would sort out the hosta pots today - that hasn't happened.  Oh well, there's always tomorrow, and the next day and the next day and ..........

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