
By dunkyc

A new low

Lawks! What a beautiful day it has been in every sense!

Caught up with all of my immediate family via a Zoom, did some gardening (neighbour popped over and informed me that I have a herb garden outside my bay window - anyone want any chives, fennel or sage? Apparently I can hook you up?) followed by clay modelling which included helping my youngest stabilise a pig and the middle one stabilise a weird elephant thing. 

We had a lovely wander along the unbelievably low Kent - pictured here facing either way from both sides of Lound Road (?) Bridge. Thinking on it, aside from a light bout of rain overnight last week, I am struggling to remember when we last had a proper downpour! 

Remember February when we were panicking about flooding? Remember the floods?!! Anyone?

Sadly, we didn’t spot any kingfishers today, but we did find another spot to work on our stone skimming and m’boy was rightly chuffed with his efforts in getting one to skim twice. The youngest seemed content with effectively quarrying the biggest boulders she could find on the stoney beach.

This afternoon, while the boy was Mario Karting and the youngest was reading in the tent, I was permitted some time in the yard to have a brew, read and……..doze off for a few minutes!! Those with children know that an afternoon nap is like manna from heaven, capable of delivering magical restorative powers to the most tired of souls.

I would happily have stayed outside until sunset, but I thought I’d better feed them and get them into bed at some point…..

Gorgeous day where a brief pause was required to remind oneself that we are still under lockdown.

The children will be loaned back to their mother once again tomorrow and once again, a temporary crashing silence will engulf this home punctuated only by the sound of a tired father’s expletives as he discovers that that missing bit of clay and run away blueberry from lunchtime have fused themselves to the underside of his be-socked foot.

Stay healthy.

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