hello again

By admirer


We were pretty busy in the morning, with a nice result.
In the afternoon we walked along the river Weser till we reached Würgassen. We met our neighbour, she travelled on her ebike and we catched up, the required dustance between us.
On our way back we sat on a bench, admiring the view, and we saw a person leaning on his stick, also admiring onviousloy the same view.
It also was an elderly person and we stood up to make room for him (or her?) to sit on the bench after we had left. 
However he declined to sit on the bench preferring to quasi sit on his wooden stick.
We told him how much we loved especially that pretty view. Beautifuller than ever with the yellow rasp flowers. 
He told us then that he grandfather had owned part of the field, and had planted the nice apple tree. The only tree left in the field.
Once he had started to talk, and we loved to hear the things he told us, he could not stop. The wind blew hard, and we had to go home.
Till now we had never seen the man, but who knows if we will meet again.
The day ended with the terribly sad message I saw in wackywebs journal.
His beloved wife PamelaJ had died. Her strength had totally gone, and her illness had won. The shock was so great, I wept and wept, and Piet Hein had to hold me. I felt also that the tears had more than one cause and how good it was to let it out.

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