Fence Painting

Two more fence panels painted with two coats of wood stain today. I also washed and dried my bedding and received a Sainsbury's delivery. A lovely sunny day, but a bit windy and I still needed to wear a sweatshirt whilst working outside. 

Day 37 / Day 29 of Lockdown (for my record only)
UK deaths up 823 to 17,337 (whilst raised, this probably represents delays in reporting weekend deaths), ONS figures show an extra 8.000 deaths against average for w/e 10/4, over 1,000 were in care homes which is a five fold increase (66% of these extra deaths don't mention Covid 19). Italy up 534 to 24,648, Spain up 430 to 21,282. Trump talks about a ban on immigration into the US.

The PM in his gradual return to work spoke to the President and agreed 'the importance of a co-ordinated international response' and is expected to speak to the Queen later this week. 159 UK companies have now repurposed to making PPE. The  Oxford vaccine is to be trialed from Thurs. 

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