Capital adventures

By marchmont

Out - with blossom

A big day, out beyond the house for the first time.

Dropped off a couple of things at J's, who didn't come out. Then a quick trip to Sainsbury's to collect the click and collect. Next was the vet's for more meds and finally a visit to the back of the Manor, masked if course. Actually I then had to go to get mum some shopping at Avenue Stores.

Home to spend most of the afternoon in the garden. It was sunny and warm, out of the wind. I have a lot of nasturtium seeds so that may be the only plants that appear in the baskets and pots. I also planted some salad veg and some peas and non seed potatoes are in preparation.

Later chatted to K over the road. And I had visits from 2 foxes, the very tame vixen and a more shy male? Molly, she just snoozed in the sun. The weather is such a bonus.

My family are still in a real lockdown in KL, not this UK namby pamby version. They have been shut inside for 5 weeks with at least 1 week and possibly more to go. I am so grateful I can now get out with no difficulties. Makes life easy.

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