Blue Jay Reception or Deception??

It was a sight to see. From my window perch...I think I could see maybe 20-30 blue jays. wasn't just the numbers that amazed me. It was their demeanor...their politeness.

They are never that nice. They are one of the bullies of the birdfeeder bird world. I swear I could decipher their little blue head thoughts.

"You go first."

" go."

"I just had a turn. I insist that you go."

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"No....c'mon...knock yourself out."

"Thank you...I really mean it...thank you."

It was like a scene that you see at a grocery store checkout line.

Of course...this never happened. Take the zeros off of the 20-30 number, and maybe there were 2 or 3 jays. And, as is their nature...they were not nice. They were belligerent, brassy, and far from bewitching. But...they are both beautiful and beguiling. I always feel I should behoove them to behave better.

This is one jay in six different poses. I wish I could have put 3 more poses then I could have titled it Nine on a Line.

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