High Falls

My favorite weather girl (wife Lisa) called me early this morning to warn me about a winter storm warning in Georgia and northern Florida. So...I was up at 6:30, breakfast (biscuits and gravy) in the motel lobby, and back on the road again at 6:55 a.m. "Don't dilly-dally," she said, "or you'll get stuck somewhere."

It started snowing just south of Atlanta, and with the temperature hovering between 20-25F...it could have been dicey. I soldiered on, but the dilly-dallier started talking.

"Go see the falls...go see the falls." It was a treacherous walk to the bottom, and was so cold that I couldn't linger, but I got a few shots. The fall are much prettier in the spring.

Then I decided to press my luck even farther. The Air Force Museum in Warner Robbins, Georgia. Well out of my way...but hey...all I've got is time.

I was greeted at the front gate by a MUSEUM CLOSED sign. NO NO...SAY IT AIN'T SO. I stopped by a nearby store, and asked about the museum. "Oh, they're closed today because of the weather, and the local schools are closed, too."

It was 38 and raining. Not a hint of snow...not a hint of sleet...not a hint of ice.

I let the schools pass, but I summoned up all the knowledge I know about the Air Force. And...that's from watching Top Gun.

Were Maverick, Goose, Viper, and Merlin really as tough as they were made out to be in the movie? And (heating up)...don't even get me started about Iceman! THERE IS NO ICE...ICEMAN! HOW CAN YOU CLOSE THE MUSEUM BECAUSE THERE IS A THREAT OF BAD WEATHER?

By the time I made it back to he highway...I was steaming. I can hardly wait to get on their website tomorrow, and give them my 2 cents. "I drove 825 miles to see your museum...and you close because it's raining? What would the Marines have done? How about the Navy Seals...would they have closed?" Somehow...I think they deserve to have that little weasel Tom Cruise as their front man.

An hour of my life that I'll never get back.

After the disappointment...I dove and drove into Florida condo mode...getting to our place at 8 p.m. 1300 miles total...minus the 530 I drove yesterday. 770 miles today. A good days drive.

Maybe they should call me Maverick.

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