
By simisue


In the late 1960's,  a unique American country rock band came out of the psychedelic rock scene in San Francisco.  It was not a super group, but did include members of the Grateful Dead, including Jerry Garcia.

As a young woman, I was very fond of THE NEW RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE, but always wondered about the band's name.  Growing up in the flat farmland of the US Midwest, I had no context.  Back then, even culinary sage was not grown in home gardens, so I just thought the name was some exotic reference.

Fast forward many years, & I now live in California where I see whole mountainsides blooming with a variety of native sages; & I can picture horseman following a trail, with vivid purple sage all around.  

There are many native sages in California, but my favorite, in this blip,
is CLEVELAND SAGE, also called BLUE SAGE (Salvia clevelandii).
All of the native sages are fragrant, but this sage is the super star.
Its grey foliage is aromatic & its  flowers have a  lovely perfume. The unique & beautiful flowers head bloom for 5 or 6 weeks in late April.

CLEVELAND  SAGE'S native habitat is southern California chaparral, but this drought resistant perennial can also be grown in dry, sunny home gardens, like along this sidewalk.  I am thinking, as I write this, of the perfect sunny spot in my back flower garden to plant this purple beauty.
Maybe I will listen to "The Last Lonely Eagle" while I dig.

PS: The handsome guy in the background with Angus & Scout is my patient husband, the golfer taking "drastic measures" in my blip yesterday.

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