Camping again.

The children down the road had made a camp again today. Greenham Common comes to mind. (Only those of a certain age will know what I'm referring to!)  I'm impressed the way they've kept to the required 'social distancing'  from each other. I love seeing children play like this, reminds me of my childhood and my children's childhood, only one slight difference - As I walked past I heard one girl say to the other that her internet was down!

I spoke to one of the Mums and she was worried people would complain at the mess! She said yesterday they practically emptied the house. She also commented how as a family they are actually enjoying the slower and simpler pace of life and hopes to continue this after lockdown. It would be nice, but I can't help but feel everyone will revert back to what it was before.

Hayley told me a funny story today. She was playing Mummy's and Daddy's with 3 1/2yr old Emmeline. Emmeline was the 'Mummy' and they were in a pretend cafe. The 'waitress' asked Emmeline what she'd like to drink - "A busy wine please". Oh dear real Mummy Hayley, you need to reevaluate your lifestyle! LOL.

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