25042020 43rd Corona isolation day

It's been a day like they predicted. Cloudy with some showers. And as I now look over to the direction of the sea, the sky is quite dark over there. We might get some more showers still.

I (with the help of my husband) did trim all the dogs. It took about 4 hours including our coffee break. I've been quite drained after all that.

So the dogs are all in their swimwear, but I didn't take a photo of them as it's so grey. This picture I took from our morning walk before the darkest clouds came over us. I can't see the sea, but I can see this sea of thistles. It's quite huge and impressive. And spiky!

Tomorrow is forecast to be sunnier with max of 23°C for the next 4 days, after which it will it will rise to max 24°C. Brilliant! I've so been waiting for this. Now we don't have to inject ourselves with chlorine, but can take the suggested UV dosage instead. (JUST KIDDING. I've know since childhood not to mess with cleaning liquids.)

After all the work with the dogs, I only managed to train for 32 minutes. I'm ready for bed and it's only 6:30pm. Happy with the day's accomplishments.

Oh! My photograph coasters were under some weights for nearly 24h and they aren't arching anymore. The epoxy is dry of course, but it's still hardening. I think they'll be usable without any coating for the bottom. I really do like them. I have no recollection of those occasions or holidays, but I still enjoy the pictures. Especially here in Spain one does need a coaster as the drinks start sweating so fast and all our tables are from IKEA :-D

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