24042020 42nd Corona isolation day

This is from my garden. Some kind of succulent starting to blossom massively. In a few days this could be all violet. Lots of other succulents are starting to blossom too. I'm very interested to see what other kind of flowers I'll see in few weeks.

I started a new big project today. I drew a new quilting project and also cut the pieces that I'll need at first. I suspect I'll need some more pieces in time, but we'll see how it will turn out. I most likely won't have time to start tomorrow as my plan is to trim all the dogs tomorrow as it will be a rainy and cloudy day. We'll do it inside as it's been so windy here the last few months that the cut fur would be all over. And I always have to wash the floors after rainy days (my OCD) so two stones at once.

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