New reality day 270

Thank you all for your kind words yesterday. It was a truly difficult day. The hardest part was to leave him there, even if it wasn't him anymore.

Nelson and Buddha has noticed the absence of Amadeus. We got very good advice from the vet's office. To wash Amadeus' favorite bedding so his smell wouldn't keep them grieving for too long. They searched for him. And Buddha was in a state of freight and needed lots of cuddles and reassurance. Nelson has been sleeping in Amadeus' place (on the floor) where he's never slept before.

The other advice was to keep them active so they have less time grieve. My parents visited us today. That was good distraction to all of us. Tomorrow Niklas will visit us.

The house feels so empty. Hopefully following days will lift some of the sadness. Now we just try to keep busy to help us be.

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