Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

An al fresco day (Day 41)

Morning chit chat with the neighbours in the sunny front garden. A wee dander down to see the blossom, but the huge bed of daffodils lured us. They won’t last much longer.

After Elizabeth took Archie out for the afternoon, we moved to the back garden, which was now sunny. One of the reclining chairs was brought out for the first time (and I wish I’d been video-ing JR’s attempts at setting it up) I listened to several chapters of my book without dozing off.

After a scrumptious roast chicken dinner, JR, while flicking through Instagram, happened to mention that the ‘Game of the Century’ was on You Tube - the All Blacks vs Wallabies in 2000! So we’re watching it, hehehe. She may have wished she hadn’t mentioned it.

My step count today barely reached four figures. Will try harder tomorrow.

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