Work in progress

I have been putting today's job off for quite some time. I've even painted the gate and the shed to avoid the job that really needed doing the most. With the gardener due back this week and a turf delivery booked for Wednesday, it really was going to show the rest of the job up so it had to be done. I had forgotten how long it takes to do and I've only done one side. The other - newer - side can definitely wait. The blip is where I had got to by lunchtime and the extra just a little after seven. That was my cut off point so I didn't do too bad although I have to admit that the second coat was a little cursory in places, particularly behind the shed and the plants. 

Bailey has supervised at times, occasionally appearing to make sure that I was still there but he has generally amused himself. He has just requested a walk so I felt I needed to oblige even though I am already achey. I'm sure he just wants the chance to see other folk but it is nice to be able to walk in not quite dark at nearly nine o'clock.  

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