Ffotograff damweiniol

Ffotograff damweiniol ~ Accidental photograph

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Aethon ni i'r Parc y Mynydd Bychan eto ar ein beiciau. Roedd y ffyrdd yn dawel iawn a gwnaethon nhw’n teimlo diogel. Roedd nifer dda o bobol yn y parc yn mwynhau'r heulwen gref. Y tro hon aethon ni â phicnic - dim ond brechdan, cnau, bar siocled a rhywbeth i yfed. Ond yn gyntaf aethon ni am dro trwy'r goedwig o dan gysgod y coed.  Ar ôl ein taith cerdded eisteddon ni i lawr i fwyta ac yn gwylio'r bobol eraill yn y parc.  Tynnais i lawer o ffotograffau - fel arfer - ond roedd fy hoff ffotograff y damwain hwn tra roeddwn i'n trio tynnu panorama fertigol.

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We went to the Heath Park again on our bikes. The roads were very quiet and they felt safe. A good number of people in the park enjoying the strong sunshine. This time we took a picnic - just a sandwich, nuts, a chocolate bar and something to drink. But first we went for a walk through the woods under the shade of the trees. After our walk we sat down to eat and watched the other people in the park. I took lots of photos - as usual - but my favorite photo was this accident while I was trying to take a vertical panorama.

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