Backyard in Bloom

Today has been cloudy all day, and rainy a good part of it too. My prospects for a Blip were not great so I decided to take photos of the flowers in the backyard planters! 

While I was out there my neighbour came out to speak to me, and said not to think he wasn't planning to get the blown-down fence fixed. He'd booked someone to do it, but thanks to the Coronavirus it had to be delayed. I said it was not a problem of course!

Otherwise today I've just done housework and Tesco shopping. I'm not so stressed about the supermarket shopping system now I'm more used to it. I just take my time and look for what I need, whilst being patient while those in front do the same, and hoping those behind allow me the same courtesy. You do get some people who whisk around, don't social distance and are general dickheads, but they are the minority fortunately!

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