
By dunkyc

Teatime is five

It was not the best of starts today. No sir, it was not.

Like many, I need a cup of tea first thing in the morning. It brings me to, allows time for quiet contemplation and it’s just a nice way to start the day.

Imagine then, if you will, my disappointment on finding that my should-still-be-well-in-date milk had turned to a thick sludge. Through my gagging, the offending goo was disposed of and finding no worthy replacement to place in my brew, I used the youngest’s Vanilla Soya Milk thinking “how bad could it be? Maybe I’ll discover a hitherto undiscovered killer combo?”.

Turns it that it was pretty bad and that this combination might in fact kill you.

For the rest of the day, I felt pretty “waffy” and exhausted if the truth be told, so I held off going for a run and instead opted for a walk after tea. I made a good choice as the sun broke through a grey day and the trees were alive with birds chattering away to each other – no idea what make of birds they were unfortunately.

However, I did spot this little fellow on the river (you’ll need to zoom in as I didn’t have the big camera with me), which I think is a white-throated dipper. He/she had a very curious bobbing motion which is what caught my eye originally.

It is also clearly has no respect for law and order as it was perched on a rock adjacent to a Police no-parking cone.

Stay healthy.

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