We thank you for your kind comments.

Merry and I basked in the flood of lovely comments yesterday on my decade of journal entries. Merry has helped since early last August and is looking forward to her 5th Birthday next month. 

Her stint as an Abyssinian kitten TICA cat show Double Grand Champion has helped her with her new modeling career. She always looks so serious when compared to Raspberry, but those looks are deceiving. She's a loving little sprite, addicted to playing, listening for mice in our old country walls, never steps on thresholds(??) and refuses to acknowledge her name. Her daughter, Moire Shenanigans was the show cat at her old cattery Khamsin Abyssinians in CT. when we adopted Merry and is carrying on her winning ways.

We love her to bits and have recently started calling her Chibbie after an affectionate term used for the children in the PBS Masterpiece Theater television production of Poldark. She refuses to answer to that as well. Raspberry always responded to her name and a special whistle as well, so I keep trying.

On another note, I will also keep trying to keep up my daily posting. I'm pleased that I made it a decade, but acknowledge that someday I may have to learn the backblip technique. It's been a wonderful 10 year, life changing, learning experience to see daily life all over the world through the eyes of creative photographers. I love our community sharing and spreading the word about Blipfoto as often as I can. 

For the Record, 
This day came in dark and dreary once again with drizzle and gloom.

All hands wary, Massachusetts has not not shown any curve flattening as yet. We're in for the long haul.

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