Flower Friday....Apple Blossom

My little apple tree is covered in blossom this year so I am hoping for a good crop of Fiesta apples, sweet, juicy and crunchy......it is blowing away fast though in the very strong freezing cold wind that blew up this afternoon, a very heavy shower, and now sunshine and blue sky.
Finished the free online course on Jane Austen, skipped parts of it, a bit heavy and deep, lots of theorising and debating which I don't enjoy. Am signing up next for a course relating to Art and photography.
Reading some more of Elineanor Oliphant, wasn't sure at first, but it is gradually getting more interesting and holding my attention, it's developing well.......
Last night's 'Frankenstein' was intense, not a production you could call relaxing..
Tonight Youtube is streaming Andrew Loyd Webber's 50th birthday celebrations from the Albert Hall at 7pm, one to definitely watch

Anther week...flown by .........

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