
By strawhouse


Despite how it looks in this photo I spent all day today gardening. 
Weeding and digging things up. 
I hadn't really meant to but as I lay on my lounger the overgrown bed was getting on my nerves so I chopped a bit down and then a bit more and a bit more until it was half done and it would have been stupid not to carry on.
When everything was chopped down I dug up weeds and roots. So many bloody roots!
And I moved and replanted a couple of things we put in the wrong place last year.
It was boiling hot and proper hard work - I doubt I'll be able to move tomorrow! But it's  so worth it. I had that lovely sense of satisfaction of getting a major job done, And it looks so great if a little bare. I've got some plants arriving on Tuesday and quite a few shrubs and hostas in pots which I might transplant.
Apart from that we just sat around in the garden drinking beer. Corona if you can believe it!!
Miss L wanted a snuggle on the sofa later in the afternoon. She was feeling a bit sorry for herself and out of sorts. Because we've settled into such a routine I can forget that sometimes she might be struggling. 
We snuggled up under her fluffy blanket and watched a few episodes of World's End on iPlayer.  I do love a good children's programme!
Then she played Talisman with Mr K and Miss E and they had their first  Friday night sleepover for as long as I can remember. Lovely!
In other news, Donald Trump suggested that people could drink bleach to kill Coronavirus. Or somehow introduce UV light inside the body.
There are no words.

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