Goodbye tree - hello new planting.

Spent some time today working with my neighbour Martin who is logging the remains of my beech tree, cut down to avoid the breaking of my sewage pipe. I kept some wood for the fire but offered him the rest if he wanted to slice it up and remove it, which he did today.  I split the remaining logs from a fallen branch from across the road and tidied the place up. Quite a large part of the afternoon was spent chatting - the inevitable consequence of working beside the road!

What is odd is that our two cats seemed quite happy to sit on the deck not far above the noise of the chainsaw, but then they were quite used to the sound of chainsaws at Arduaine and presumably saw it as no threat.

Now all that remains to do is to clean up the sawdust and get the site ready for planting. I'm sorry to see the tree go, but at least I've planted three to take its place!

Quote of the Day:

Winston Churchill - "Fancy cutting down all those beautiful trees to make pulp for those bloody newspapers, and calling it civilisation!"

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