A sunny Saturday

Sorry fir the confusion over my earlier blip - meant to post this morning and back blip yesterday but forgot to change the date - so have sorted now. Thank you for the lovely comments.

I guess I was a little more befuddled this morning than I thought, however a bacon and egg sandwich and a cup of tea sorted me out nicely.

Been a bit of a lazy person and haven’t done a lot - did manage our for a walk with young Mr PHL late afternoon and then got through the ironing before we settled down to watch Thor Raganork - one of my favourites in the Marvel series. It was fun spotting the actors with cameo roles.

Funny thing happened earlier - a neighbour had posted a picture on FB of some dinner rolls he had made sand they looked delicious. I jokingly asked what time his bakery would open tomorrow and within 5 minutes we heard the doorbell go. Opened the door to no one there but 4 rolls in a ziplock bag. They look gorgeous and I’m looking forward to one for breakfast - he even gave me the recipe so may have to try them out myself.

Hope you’re all managing to have a relaxing weekend.

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