Long walk!

3 hour walk this afternoon. We hit that wall and needed to get out. The husband found a great walk round some local lakes. We ambled around the lake, had hot chocolate and biscuit in a bird hide, with the boys loving watching the swans on the lake - especially when the swans stuck their bottoms in the air to eat! 

Toward to the end of the wall we came across a bird hide that had a herd of cows, the hide had some low windows are a perfect height for inquisitive noises to poke through!!

Late home, change of dinner plans and late night. But everyone happy. Can't quite believe we're back to the working week.... 

Today in grateful for
The husband getting us out for a walk and picking up the morale button when I was feeling a bit low
The boys loving bird watching
Inquisitive cattle and the boys really enjoying them

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