My Teddy Bears

My day has really disappeared with little achievements. We did walk this morning just around our roads.
I’ve spent a lot of the afternoon on the phone to Spark (my internet provider) trying to sort our the internet. Two lengthy calls, reset the month old router which helped for all of 5 minutes. So rang them back again. Of course I got a different person so had to go through all the details again. End result is a technician will come visit and check all the “stuff” outside, here and on the road. No idea when so will make do with phone data in the meantime. That means I’ll be a quiet Blipper.
With all this mucking around I never got a blip. Just as the sun was setting I zipped outside to photograph my bears in the window. They’ve been there since lockdown. I made the two in the left, the wee one I bought at Harrods, the end one bought at Jasper after driving through the Canadian Rockies and coming across a black bear with two cubs walking along the roadside.
Excellent news ... no new cases, first time since it reached our shores.

Today’s Stats
New Cases 0 new, 0 probable (yesterday 2)
In hospital 4 (yesterday 8) 0 in ICU
Recovered 1276 (yesterday 1266)
Deaths 0 (20 previous)10 of these are from the same Aged Care Facility
South Canterbury 17 (yesterday 17) 1 in our local hospital
Total Cases 1487 ( yesterday 1485)


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