Great White Trillium

Still no rain, just blue skies and sunshine! We didn't go for our usual walk this afternoon - well I went as far as the base of McCaig's Tower to try to dig up a small plant of Japanese Knotweed that a friend had reported. It was hard to get the whole root out as it was growing on top of rhododendron roots, but I got most of it and will keep an eye on it.

Spent a while clearing up all the bits of concrete left over from yesterday's job. Not very good for ericaceous plants! 

Today's Blip is nothing new - I think I've Blipped it several times before at this time of year. Trillium grandiflorum 'Snowbunting' - I love it! It's a wonderful woodland plant and quite expensive - a double form of the American Wake Robin. I bought it maybe 5 years ago as a single stem for £25 and now it has maybe four or five stems. It should be planted out - one day, maybe! Gave all my potted plants another water, as I'm doing every night at the moment - not forgetting my newly planted palms!

Quote of the day:

Desmond Tutu - "We are made for loving. If we don't love, we will be like plants without water."

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