Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 46 Into the sun

I worked from home today. I managed to do some hot piece marking and now have about 12 left as they take hours. I also spent time on the exercise bike, went shopping, did a bit of cleaning and lots of washing as the weather was gorgeous again. Dan got Matt's old bike out. Cleaned it up, blew the tyres up, fixed the brakes and then went for a long ride. After dinner he did some more fence painting. He likes to keep busy and is looking forward to going back to work, whenever that may be.
When Chris got home we went for a quick walk around Mousecroft through part of Meole and then up Meole field. Chris agreed to do his Sound of Music impression as he walked up the hill into the sun. Thankfully without the singing!
In the news, deaths in the UK were in the 300s which now means that, on paper, we have the worst death rate in Europe and have passed Italy. Donald Trump has started to stand down his coronavirus task force as they have done their job and he wants to start to get America back to work. Their daily death rate is currently in excess of 1000.

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