Drama Outside

It had been a busy day with a zoom coffee morning and then another zoom catch-up with Blipmate Hildasrose. Rose has been having trouble with getting her camera going again after too long without using it. Fortunately, with a couple of calls to Olympus, all had been sorted and she was back in business.

I then spent the afternoon focusing on Dandelion seedheads again, but this really is the last time this season. In the course of this I discovered some aphids on a stem so switched the focus on to these strange little insects. I was just packing stuff away to cook dinner when there was a loud bang from outside, the unmistakeable sound of two cars wanting to be in the same place at the same time! This was a short way down the road from our house and blocking the road. I called 999 and walked down to give a few more details by which time there was a fair crowd - mostly people being helpful. No one appeared badly hurt and we've no idea what actually happened.

All this mayhem meant I had no time for dinner ahead of judging for a local club. This was an interesting evening, more fun than serious. Along with a fellow cc judge, we critiqued together with a fair bit of banter along the way and I think everyone had a good time. We're both back in a couple of weeks' time for part two of the same.

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