
By BabyDriver

Imprisonment - Day 46

Imprisonment - Day forty six
Wednesday 6th May 2020

Cycling Statistics
Cars - 19
Motorbikes - 0
Bikes - 3
Dog walkers - 2
Walkers - 2
Runners - 3
Horses - 1
Horse walkers - 0
Molehills - 0
Cycling temperature - 3.4c

When I opened the front door this morning I was surprised to see a layer of thick frost adorning the roof of Ros' but it was good for cycling chilly but sunny with no wind.

Of course I saw double dog but a little latter on I saw Shreddy who again I have not seen for a long time. She's a lady with the hair and stature of a weetabix. Hence the name Shreddy. I also saw Lucy on her horse. Now Lucy's name really is Lucy as we've known her for some time and that's why when I said good morning Lucy she said 'Hi there' as she could not remembersew who I was or to be fair perhaps she didn't recognise me.

After breakfast the day started with me renewing the battery of the sender unit on my weather station as the base station in our dressing room was flashing flat battery. Thank goodness this battery lasts a long time as I have to go up to the roof by ladder to take it down replace the battery and then camber up to put it back again . I'm glad to say all carried out safely without mishap.

Painting the shelf like all jobs took longer than expected but the grey emulsion paint dried quickly in the warmth of the sun and I was able to fix it to the wall straight away and fill it with my oil cans and stand back and admire.

I then mowed the lawns which always grow so quickly at this time of year. I used my app again to calculate the time and distance of the mow which I'm afraid to say does not appear to be too accurate as this time it said it took 53 minutes when it was more like an hour and a half. Covering a distance of 1.27 miles when last time it was 1.58 miles and the time before it was 1.46 miles. An average of the three is 1.44 miles. If this average is nearer the truth then with my accurate measurement of 3.9 litres of fuel this gives miles per gallon of 1.67 as opposed to 2.09 miles per gallon last time. Again very interesting stuff. Not as Ros would say.

Sometimes repairing the mower takes longer than mowing the lawn. We'll it is a poor old 1979 Wheelhorse tractor mower which to be fair it's still going strong. The only problem today was the drive belt to the blades fell off which was only a two minute job to refit. Which is more than can be said for the so and so Flymo which kept on stopping so I had to finish off the banks with my cheapo Tesco electric Flymo. I'll take the petrol one apart and clean the carburettor when I get time during the next rainy day.

I had a little time left to tidy up the Motor House before washing Ros' car which bought my working day to a close. Somehow I had achieved everything I wanted to do except for fully tidying up the Motor House which I will finish off tomorrow morning before starting work painting the Bentley.

As I came in Ros ordered me to phone Nevan and Ari as they missed me when they Skyped Ros to thank her for this week's shipment of animals. They both liked monkeys and the monkey story book. Ari showed me his knee where he'd been bitten my a dinosaur. He's as nutty as his Grandpa. Next week they'll be getting buffaloes as their surprise gift from South Africa.

Ros did her weekly shop today and hates it. Ros does not like being regimented or told what to do. So queueing to get in and buying things in order is not her idea of fun. She prefers her old way of shopping three or four times a week after swimming. Buying smaller amounts more often. Still she managed to get all we need for another week so no complaints from me.

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