Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Flying Squirrel

(Okay, not really, but still...).  I can't tell you how many times I've tried to catch a squirrel in mid-flight, head on and failed.  So, it was especially sweet today to score a win.

Frankly, I've been feeling low today.  Like almost everyone, the uncertainty of day-to-day life right now sometimes takes a toll and today has just been one of those days.  Every little thing has made me want to burst into tears or throw a hissy fit.  Finally, I took myself outside with my camera, determined to find my "zen".  

It wasn't long before I was being entertained by chipmunks, squirrels and blue jays, all wanting the peanuts I was dispensing.  Then, as I sat on the patio in a nice patch of sun, flipping peanuts hither and yon, I heard the soft songs of the bluebird ... who was perched not 12 feet away.  How did he know that was just what I needed?  He and his new mate have been around all day, never seeming to get too far from the nest box.  I checked to see if she might have started laying, but the nest remains empty.  See Extra for the pair of them.

Mama chickadee stayed on the nest when I checked that box this afternoon so I quietly closed the box and left.  Sweet little thing.  We are headed for some very cold temps over the next few days so I kind of hope the eggs don't start hatching as she and her mate will have a very hard time finding insects to feed the babies.

Nearly 9,000 deaths in NJ so far from Covid 19.  I am having a hard time wrapping my head around that, especially as I see people rampaging against the state government and demanding that things open up immediately.  How much is a human life worth?

Sorry to be so glum today.  Tomorrow will be a new day.  In the meantime, please stay safe and be kind.


Covid Stats
Total positives as of today in NJ- 133,635
Total deaths in NJ - 8,801
Total cases in Sussex County - 1006 deaths - 123

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