Flower Moon

The last of the Supermoons for 2020.

I took this last night at about 11pm in my PJs complete with bright blue crocs, camera and tripod. My neighbour Mavis was in the kitchen so I tapped on the door and she came out and enjoyed this beautiful moon too, at a safe distance of course. We've shared a lot of Moons, shooting stars and fabulous skies outside of our back doors over the last few years.

In the extra is my other neighbour hanging her flags for VE day 75th anniversary. I don't have any so I've hung Red, White and Blue scarves at my door blowing in the breeze. People think Im drying colourful washing but I know their a make believe flag.

Camera settings: 100 to 300 zoom lens (my long lens I call it)
Shutter Speed: I started at 1/60th bit dark I simply kept moving up a notch until I liked what i saw. This one was 1/200th.
F10 to F16 You find your own sweet spot not sure I found mine but I tried moving up and down between F10 and F16 then looked at the results on the computer. This one was F13.
Manual focus set to infinity. I don't have infinity on this lens so I manually focused until I got it as clear as I could.
ISO = 100
Tripod and put the camera onto a 2 second timer so I didn't wobble when I clicked.

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