Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 49 VE Day The Last Post

75 years since the end of World War II and we celebrated and remembered the brave who fought in the war and the millions who lost their lives. There were street parties (socially distanced ones), fly pasts, a minute's silence, replays of Churchill's speech and the Queen gave a speech 75 years exactly after her father did the same.
While making bacon and eggs on crusty bread for lunch, I decided to make some Union Jack bunting as I hadn't ordered any and a few people in the street had put some up. I also saw that buglers were playing the Last Post at 2.55. My friend's son is in the cadets and plays the bugle so I asked if he was planning to do it. He'd already played at around 11 this morning at the local Co-OP but he agreed to do it again. It was beautiful. Very moving and brought a tear to my eyes. He's 18 tomorrow and a lovely young man.
We were both tired today, especially Chris, but we still managed a walk later on. We went through Mousecroft and into Meole Village where there was a real party atmosphere and lots of street parties or should that be front garden parties?! I spotted my TA chatting to her neighbours and enjoying a glass of prosecco and we saw Norma, one of our neighbours, on the way back from her walk so we had a little catch up. Today was a beautiful day, much better than forecast, and quite hot in the afternoon - perfect bank holiday weather.
In the news, 626 deaths in the UK, Wales have extended their lockdown for another 3 weeks and the government have said that garden centres can reopen from next Wednesday.

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