Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Ground control to Major Tom

Important presentation to deliver at work today so the phone and headset had better not let me down like the old one did. Ditto for the home broadband that I will be using to deliver the presentation remotely.

Delivering presentations to senior leadership is one thing. Doing it remotely which means that you have no visual clues to tell you how you are doing is something else, and as if that's not a big enough test of the nerves, keeping a beady eye on the technology adds a bit of unwanted spice to the occassion!

If it happens today, it wouldn't be the first time I've spent 5 minutes talking to a non-existant audience because the line has dropped.

Anyway, slide deck is ready, crib notes are printed and if the presentation is successul, my workload could change for the coming months as I'm hoping to get involved in the consultancy assignment I'm presenting details of.

Fingers crossed.

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