Special Day

With all that's happening, today is so much more Special! It's Mothers' Day! So this photo is for all of of you who take care of us, have our backs, smile at our silliness, nourish us, and care for us no matter what. If you are lucky enough to still have your Mother, I'm certain that you treasure her, as well you should. My own Mom passed when I was four but I was fortunate to have a Grandmother who raised me and two Aunts who acted as role models for me. So treasure your Mother and those who 'Mother' you. :)

Eastern Bluebird NestBox Update:
I checked the NestBox this morning and was surprised to find 4 Beautiful Bright Blue Eggs! So the little chirping sounds I heard yesterday were probably made by the adult birds, signaling their unborn young that all is well and that they should take their time coming into this world. I'll update you as things progress! Have a Peaceful and Healthy Week!

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