Snow Capped Clift Hills

A breezy day, and cold but warm in the sunny spells.  Mostly sunny all day, with passing clouds, and they brought snow.

Up early, and headed to work at my picnic table desk.  A day of scanning photos.  I managing more walkies with Sammy now, as the Scottish government have allowed more times for exercise.  Brian and Madeline popped by for a yarn over the fence this evening.  Another walk with Sammy tonight, before I get my feet up.  

We really don't need anymore snow, but thankfully it's thawing as it lands.  As I sat at my desk, I watched the hills change everytime a snow shower passed over.  The snow settled for a bit on the top, but as soon as the sun hit it, it melted again, and gave me a great view, although this is zoomed in.  Taken from Houl Road, Scalloway, looking towards Trondra, and then the Clift Hills of Cunningsburgh.  

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