Yar Neap

A wintery shower first thing, but cleared into a sunny day, cloudy tonight.  It was warm in the sun, cold in the wind.  

Back to work, after my week off.  Headed to the living room, and scanned slides this morning.  Working tonight, as I had the afternoon off, to help mam out on the croft.  Also briefly spoke with sister Laura from the fence.  Walkies with Sammy this evening, before feet up.  I had my robin back in the garden today, not seen him in ages, and then also had a yellowhammer too, migrating through.  

While at mam's, I took the opportunity for a walk in the fresh air.  I headed for Runties Geo, to look for an otter family, but no joy.  As you can see, the coastline here is dotted with all sorts, with caves like the one here, and on the right is a sea stack, but not so visible looking front on.  Taken at Yar Neap, Helliness, Cunningsburgh.  

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