Social Distancing in da Gairden

Some lovely warm sunny spells, then cold when cloud passing, with some light snow showers.  The wind picked up by teatime.  

Another day working at the picnic table desk, and scanning more photos.  Some walkies through the day, and now feet up by the fire.  10 years to the very day since Sammy arrived to Shetland, leaving the rescue centre behind.  Plenty of walkies, games, treats, belly scratches over the years, and trouble now and again, like yesterday, when he dug up bulbs in the garden!  Hopefully a good few years left in the old dog yet.  I don't know his age correctly, but he'll be about 12 now, and this is his adopted birthday :)

With it being Sammy's birthday, big Brian and Madeline popped by for a yarn over the fence and wish him all the best.  At the same time, mam and dad were in Scalloway, and did the same.  I took the opportunity to get a rare social distancing photo of us all in the garden.  I can't wait until we can meet properly, this is getting very tiring now.  L-R - Dad Peter, mam Pat, me, peerie Brian and Sammy, big Brian and Madeline.  Taken at Hawthorn Cottage, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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