A Trip Through my Garden Part 1

I have several different Rhododendrons in my garden; I want to document them here.....I starting today I will be Blipping each type and then I might move on to the Azaleas. The best of my garden right now might be from the golf course. I actually don't have much of a view of my garden from my house; there is a large raised deck on the main level of the house that blocks my view; I have large pots of flowers on the deck for our enjoyment. This flower is one of the smaller bunches of flowers, it is rather dainty and the bees seem to like it the best today. I don't know the name, but I think it is pretty. 

Today was a windy/cloudy day and actually quite a lazy day. I don't write poetry, I don't read much poetry but I enjoyed a poem by an English Comedian so much I thought I would try it. Writing can be quite time consuming ....thinking ....rhyming ....making it sound okay.... fun, maybe....funny?, not so much. Anyway, I am going to be brave and share it with you. Be nice. It fit nicely in my word document, but not so good here. 

                 Really? What is the Truth?
I am a little tired of anyone who believes they know it all,
Those people who express their views, loud above them all.
They cannot hear an opposing view without a loud reply,
Completely “right or completely “wrong”,  they standby .
The news is no less tolerable…..the truth changes every day.
Each source has their own facts, thinking it is my way or the highway.
One source contradicts another, they seldom report the same facts as true.
What are we to do when there is no one we can turn to?
Perhaps we have someone in our life who is always right
We believe everything he says, because he seems so bright
When we come across one of his facts that turns out to be untrue,
We ignore it or say it can’t be right because it would make him blue.
Yes, these are complicated times. The truth is so unclear.
I am tempted to turn off the news and shed a tear.
I don’t want to choose who is telling the truth,
Perhaps the only completely honest one is Dr Ruth.
Oh, now I am getting silly….giving up on finding a truthful source,
I don’t trust the left or the right or anyone who advocates force.
I desire to form my own options, but first I need some facts
I don’t believe in any source who yells, screams & overreact.
I think I may just go outside and enjoy this beautiful day,
Finding something to photograph this Tuesday in May.
Understanding is overrated, the facts are changing daily
I know what to do, I have always wanted to play the ukulele.

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