Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Family Time

While most of us humans are not able to enjoy much family time during this pandemic, the wild kingdom is under no such restrictions.  While I was watching Xena hoovering up seeds and returning to her burrow in our garden, I saw a little head poke up out of the burrow - the first baby sighting!  Before long, I caught some motion near one of the other burrow entrances and - bingo - baby chippie #2!  A completely enjoyable hour ensued with me sprauled on the patio snapping away, occasionally refilling the pile of sunflower seeds.  I will put my other fave shot of the day in Extra.  

Meanwhile, the bluebirds were still working on the nest in the other pollinator garden while the house wrens worked feverishly on another nest box at the edge of the woods.  And, all the while, the chickadee pair were tending to their brood in the big pollinator garden on the other side of the driveway.  I got my phone into the top of the 'dee box and got off two quick shots.  I could only count 6 babies, but it is very hard to tell for sure so its possible all 8 made it.  Their eyes are still closed and they are just starting to show a few pin feathers on their wings.  Phone snap HERE

After lunch, Hubs and I went for a nice long walk and then a drive and a trip to Starbucks.  Very enjoyable.  

Great news today - NJ's governor has announced the first small steps towards reopening.  This has been conditional on having a tracing system and sufficient testing capacity. Non-essential construction will commence Monday, with social distancing guidelines.  Non-essential retail will be opened only for curbside pickup, also effective Monday.  Small steps, but definitely a move forward.

Keep staying safe, social distance, kindness...


Covid Stats
Total positives as of today in NJ - 141,560
Total deaths in NJ - 9,702
Total cases in Sussex County - 1041 ---  deaths - 136

Today is Day 70 since NJ's first case of Covid 19 was diagnosed

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