Almost Cut My Hair

Happened just the other day
It's gettin' kind of long
I could've said it was in my way

Yep, I finally succumbed to the trainee hairdresser’s entreaties and did indeed get my hair cut. I was beginning to look like a girl. Though the son said it was like Tom Petty. Yes, for the son was over to celebrate the last birthday of his twenties. Where did they go, he somewhat rhetorically asked.
Talking of rhetoric, OK, it’s irony, the proud FCYC Lion Rampant burgee arrived and I was able to get over there and run it up the flagpole. They’re finally getting orders out as people elsewhere must be returning to work. We’re still wrestling that R number down a bit.
And finally, Wednesday night. In the pub, and we were treated to a first class piece of entertainment, for AJ joined the call doing his ironing. He even did his boxers, hankies and socks! I tell you, if we ever get back to the pub, the tales we’re going to have about the good old days in the virtual pub.

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