Me And My Shadow

Friday, normally the end of the working week for most people in the past.

But, "the past is a foreign country, they do things differently there". This was written by Leslie Poles Hartley, nearly a century or so ago.

Today marks the start of week 10 of our "Seclusion", where one day is very similar to the next although we do try to bring variety to our life.

The mendacity of 4T and the ramblings of BoJo have become a source of mild amusement and amazement that so many people still believe their utterances and prove it by risking their lives and for what?

4T’s polling figures are heading south and he rants and raves about Obama and other devil figures in his imagination. He still refuses to wear a mask. Does he learn nothing from BoJo’s recent brush with death, brought about by ignoring his own social distancing rules.

No matter. Both now own the storms they have sown and questions are now being asked.

Today is another sunny day; a day for wandering around the garden and discussing where the next batch of insect hotels should be placed.

There is plenty of fallen branches to be collected, cut up and placed in little bundles. Pat points out some trees that have been overgrown by others and are now giving up the struggle.

There are a few areas where some judicious pruning might be help. Could we have a little area in the front where Libations might be drunk while we watch the world go by. Perhaps.

Today’s Blipfoto shows a "volunteer" maple doing rather well behind the "wheelie bins". Of course, it is far too close to the building and soon it will have to be moved in the autumn to another position. We are rather running out of other positions for trees which have the potential to grow to the size of a maple. Not that that will be my concern, however, one should think of the future owners who may reside or worship here.

I am being rather philosophical.

We did have a rather fine lunch today finished with a rather large strawberry meringue and cream. I won’t mention the rather fine California red wine. I will confirm we did not drink all of it.

Not much gardening done today, but with some more application I may do some tomorrow. The forecast promises higher temperatures and a reduction in the cold winds we have been subjected to. For higher temperatures think 16 Centigrade.

Dr Forster who owns what was the Beadle’s House let me know that his daughter and her partner will be residing and working from there.

He is wondering if he should install broadband? I am quite sure Laura will be quite forceful in her views about that.

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