
The bouquet that arrived last night is rather cheerful, full of small summer-like flowers, like these chamomile flowers. Isn't chamomile supposed to calm you down? Just what we need after another eventful day. We got replies on yesterday's emails. Apparently this whole pityful situation  is to do with EU Covid-19 restrictions. Very ironic for a convinced EU citizen !
The outside borders of the Schengen area are closed for non-EU citizens unless they are spouses, registered partners or can prove with official documents that they've been living together for at least 6 months and of course for their children. The expected baby does not count.

Dick and Fumiko have been living together since October last year, but they don't have official documents that show that. No joint tenancy, bankaccounts or anything else that would count as official. It's maddening really. They have been trying to get married since February, but it hasn't been possible so far and right now during the Singapore Circuit Breaker lockdown it is really impossible.

Anyway, we'll try to write something together to apply once more for the exceptions over the weekend.

Thanks to Anni/Bikerbear for hosting Flower Friday and thank you all so much for your support !

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