The Fog

Today was a very strange day. I had to keep reminding myself it was the end of January. I woke up to a thick fog and grabbed my camera to get a picture before the sun burned it off. This is how much Blipfoto has changed me. I'm not a morning all. Yet this morning when I saw the fog in the yard, with my eyes barely focused and still wearing my pj's and before I had my coffee, I walked outside with my camera in hand and clicked away.

The dog was pleasantly surprised as he snuck out to do his 'business' when I opened the door. My neighbors will probably think I've gone a bit mad which makes me smile. They see me outside stalking birds and squirrels with my telephoto and taking pictures of the sunsets and even the moon late at night. Perhaps I'll start a bit of gossip and get the word out that I've gone into the spy business haha.

The temperature hit 67F while I was out today. You could walk around without so much as a jacket or sweater. I see all these snowy pictures people are posting from across the globe and I'm baffled about this strange weather we are having. Feels kind of surreal.
I decided to go mono with the photo as it seems to fit the moody look of the fog.

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