A time for everything

By turnx3

Scarlet tanager

What a thrill this morning to come across this glorious bird during our walk at Sharon Woods late this morning, and even better that he stayed still long enough for me to get a photograph - I don’t remember seeing a Scarlet tanager before, and certainly haven’t photographed one. Even once he’d left his perch in this tree, he flitted around a couple of neighboring trees for a couple of minutes, before flying off. It was a warm, though cloudy morning, but at least it stayed dry just long enough for our morning walk - just the two of us today, as Laura was busy studying. We are actually a household of four now, as Philip has returned from Kuwait, and having flown into Florida to pick up his car, is now staying with us for a few weeks or so, until he starts a new position in Virginia. This evening we enjoyed a Skype chat with Jen, then after dinner played Dobble, a game Laura had introduced us to at Christmas time.
The other “exciting” news of the day was that hairdressers opened up again today, and I was able to make a hair appointment for the 27th! They explained we have to wear face masks, our temperature will be taken, and normally, you would wait in your car until they call you, but mine will be the first appointment of the morning so I will be able to go straight in!

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